This Number 2 pencil holder will be the perfect back to school teacher gift! With this free printable can wrapper, it takes just minutes to make.

My kids go back to school next week! The summer has flown by, but I’m ready to get back into a routine, and I’m ready for my kids to get back to learning. My daughter is super excited, but my son, not so much! You might remember that I love giving gifts! So this year when I got to thinking about a back to school teacher gift I knew I not only wanted to keep it super simple, but super inexpensive too.
How to make a pencil holder from a tin can
Most of you I’m sure have some tin cans hanging around your house. Besides the pencils to put in the can, you will need to have a tin can. I used the tin cans from corn and green beans (15 oz cans). Take off the paper and run them through the dishwasher. You don’t want them to smell like canned corn. 😉

Then you will need to print off this pencil can wrapper to finish the gift. These printables are made for the 15 oz tin cans. They are a little tall, so you will just need to trim them to fit the can. Just print it out on regular copy paper.

I used a simple glue stick to attach the printable to my can, but you could use whatever kind of adhesive you have handy. I glued down one end and started to wrap it around the can.

When I got all the way around, I added a little more glue and sealed the end of the wrapper.
And that’s it! See! I told you. Super easy and super inexpensive! And super cute too! Now all you have to do is fill it with pencils!
You could cover it with a thin layer of mod podge if you were wanting it to last for a long time. Just know that it may wrinkle the paper as the mod podge dries.

I think it would great to not just fill it with pencils, but pens, markers and maybe some scissors.
Pencil Can Wrapper
You can download the pencil can wrapper and make your own back to school teacher gifts by clicking the download below. Just remember that all printables are for personal use ONLY and can not be sold.

Back To School Craft Ideas
If you are in need of some Back to School craft ideas, the Team Creative Crafts has got you covered today! Make sure to hop around and get all tutorials and ideas so you will be super ready for Back to School!

Free Printable Back to School Notebook Cover to Color from Beth at Creatively Beth
DIY Resin Apple Keychain from Lindsay at Artsy Fartsy Mama
Glitter Mason Jar Pencil Décor from Laura at Me and My INKlings
Free Printable Pencil Can Wrapper from Liz at Liz on Call
Student Planner Free Printable from Beth at the Ruffled Daisy
How to Pick the Best Felt Tip Pen from Jenny at Jenny’s Crayon Collection
Back to School Flag from Blanca at Creativities Galore
Free Printable Back to School Activity Page from Lindsay at Artsy Fartsy Mama
Back to School Free Printable Lunchbox Notes from Laura at Me and My INKlings
Upcycled Wine Cork Apples for Teacher from Beth at Creatively Beth
Now if we could just get the rest of our stuff in order for school to start next week, we would be good!
Happy Gifting!
Here are some other Back to School gift ideas:
Bursting with excitement printable

Comments & Reviews
This is totally adorable!!!
Thank you Elise!
I love how cute these are – and how easy they look to make!
Thanks Kimberly! They are super easy to make!