When my son was in playschool a few years ago his teacher sent home this fun CD of all these songs they sung at school. We listen to it a lot in the car and one of the songs on there is about 5 little pumpkins. Little miss loves to sing it and to just say the words in a rhyming way. It got me thinking we should make a craft to go along with the song and do kind of a little finger play game.
Here are the 5 little pumpkins sitting on a gate. I’m not sure where this rhyme/song is from, but it’s quite catchy. Maybe you have heard it before too!
The first thing we needed to do was make our gate. I used these mini craft sticks I got from Craft Project Ideas. They were a good size for our gates.
I just used regular elmer’s glue and put dots on the sticks and the let the kids put the gate together. Kids just love craft sticks. Mr. C could’ve played with just the plain craft sticks!
Then came the really fun part! Painting. My kids absolutely love to paint. They actually love crafts of any kind. I invest in a lot of washable art supplies! 🙂 But for this project I just let them use black acrylic paint.
While we waited for our gates to dry, I cut out some pumpkins.
I used this pumpkin found here and resized it to fit my kids fingers.
I used a glue stick and glued just the edges leaving the bottom open and middle of the pumpkins.
Then I let the kids draw scary faces on their pumpkins.
Once all the faces were drawn, the kids put the pumpkins on their hands and held their gate as we said the rhyme.
This is when the 5 little pumpkins rolled out of site!
You can download a copy of the rhyme and do this with your kids. Just click on the picture below to be taken to the download page.
This got Mr. C super ready to carve our own pumpkin. He is super excited for Halloween and to see all the Jack-o-lanterns. If he sees a pumpkin he has to show me how strong he is and try and pick it up!
Happy Crafting!
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