All the animal lovers in your life will start to Think Pawsitive with this bunch of free Animal Cut Files. So many fun files, for all kinds of creating.

Are you an animal loving family? I will admit, I am not real big into pets and animals. My kids would love to have a pet. But I don’t have the desire to take care of an animal. I’m pretty sure that when they are grown and have their own homes, they will fill their homes with animals.
Although I don’t want to have any pets in my home, I do like cats and dogs and bunnies, etc. But I just don’t want to have to be in charge of taking care of them. I know that some people just love their animals and consider them a part of the family.
And if you are someone who thinks along those lines, or know someone who does, then these animal cut files are for you!

This think pawsitive cut file comes as single color file and is ready to cut right away. Using a new mat and blade will help with those thin cuts around the words, so that paw print in the back will stand out. Grab the free cut file in the box below.
Think Positive
Use the link below to download the free cut file. Remember all Liz on Call freebies are for personal use only.
Animal Cut Files
Once you grab the free Think Pawsitive cut file, make sure and grab all of these free animal cut files designed by my talented friends. They all turned out so cute! Which one will you make first?
Free Animal Cut Files
Free "Be the Person Your Dog Thinks You Are" from Artsy Fartsy Mama
If you love free cut files, like the ones above, you will love all the free cut files you will find here at Liz on Call.
Cut files are just so fun to design and then use in different ways to create! Did you know you could use cut files to make stickers? I love doing that.
Happy Crafting!
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