I often wonder if I’m a good mom.
Do any of you wonder that too?
Or a good dad if you’re reading this. 🙂
I always try to start off the day with a good attitude and fun spirit, but somedays, I’m just not the nicest mom. I can usually tell early on in the day, when nice mom has left the building.
With an almost 4 year old and almost 2 year old, bothering each other, not sharing, teasing, on and on and on, sometimes I’m so ready for the day to be over. Mostly so I can start over again tomorrow.
Don’t let their cuteness fool you! 😉
I really enjoy being home with the kids. Watching them grow and play (sometimes together! :). And as I watch them, it makes me want to be the BESTEST MOST PERFECT MOM!!
Well, time and time again, I have proven to myself that I’m NOT the most perfect mom, and I’m not going to be perfect. But I can be a pretty GOOD ONE!
I have a quote hanging on my office wall from Jill Churchill that I love!
I took that quote and made up this printable to share with you.
I added to it just a little. So it isn’t just for mom’s who are having a bad day, it’s for everybody. For everyday. To remind us that we’re not perfect and it’s ok.
Click on the print to be taken to the download page
It will print up to an 11×14
Hope you can find a place to put this that will remind you too, it’s ok to not be perfect.
Have a great week!
PS. If you haven’t already, don’t forget to enter my 100th Post Giveaway!
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Comments & Reviews
Love that sentiment!!
I just wanted to stop back by and say thanks so much for linking up, friend! I hope to see you again next week! 🙂
I hear you! Being a mom is such an emotional job, with so many ups and downs and so many days where you feel like a terrible mother compared to some days when you feel great! I just found you on the Mom Bloggers Club and I’m already a follower of yours. I’m hosting a blog hop today called the Mommy-Brain Mixer, and I’d LOVE for you to come link up this post – It’s perfect! It would be so fun to have you! http://www.two-in-diapers.blogspot.com/2012/07/introducing-thursday-mommy-brain-mixer.html
Being a stern mom is still being a good mom! I think you are the perfect mom for your children. And when wonders if she is not good enough, and wants to be better. That means you are your best. Thanks for that reminder, and the cute print out!