Lately I’ve been thinking about the changes I want to make in my life, as most do with the new year. As I kept thinking about those things, I realized that it wasn’t really changes I wanted to make, I just wanted to do better in certain areas of my life. I wondered why I felt I wasn’t doing those things already and realized it could be for a couple different reasons. Two of them being fear and laziness. I decided that I need some motivation this year to do my best in the responsibilities I have. I realized that I didn’t have the CONFIDENCE in myself that I should, and for that reason I have chosen confidence as my one little word for 2014.
When I decided to use Confidence as my word this year, I kept repeating in my head this phrase: I have Confidence in ME. I was actually singing it in my head. Does it sound familiar? If you have ever watched the Sound of Music you will recognize these words as part of the song Maria sings as she leaves the Abby to become a Governess. She is scared of the tasks before her, but she has confidence she can do the job.
That is how I feel this year. I have doubts in myself as a mother, a wife, a homemaker, a sister, a friend and feel like I can improve those relationships. I think every parent has doubt in themselves at one time or another. But I will have the confidence this year to take everyday one day at a time and when the day is done, look forward to the next day and do a little better. I feel like I can do better in my church service and want to have the confidence to put myself out there and not be afraid to meet and serve those at my church who are in need. There is so much more I can be doing. I want to have the confidence in myself as I continue to blog and share my love of food and crafting with you. It’s so easy to get discouraged and run into a creative funk, but I am so happy to have you here and hope that this next year I can share things that will inspire you.
I want to have confidence in all aspects of my life. I want to live a healthy, happy life, believing in myself and trying my best in all things. I don’t want to let fear hinder me anymore.
I wanted to share these printables I made up with you, so you too can have the confidence you need this year to tackle any situation that you face. I made up a few different options and hopefully one will match your style.
Just click on the color you’d like to be taken to the download page.
All Lizzie Jane Baby Printables are for Personal Use Only.
These can be printed as big as 11×14
These can be printed as big as 11×14
So here’s to having Confidence in ME!
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To read more, or download a recipe, please visit Lizzie Jane Baby Blog.
Comments & Reviews
Great word!! I think all of us could use more confidence…I know I could. Thanks for the printable!!