Since December it seems like one or both of my kids have been sick with something. We’ve been at home a little more than usual, which is good for the kids, but can be bad for momma.
It started off with little miss going to the emergency room with a possible case of pneumonia. They took x-rays and monitored her oxygen levels, gave her a breathing treatment and a few hours and a couple hundred dollars later, we were able to go home. She did not have pneumonia!! (BLESSING!)
We’ve been having to give her at least 2 breathing treatments a day, if not more. She is always game for the breathing treatment for the first 2 minutes, but the next 10 minutes are not so fun. She was getting better and then it got bad again. Then started the breathing treatments every 4 hours.
Even though she wasn’t feeling good and was coughing and had a runny nose, she was still such a fun pleasant baby. Finally this week she started doing so much better.
Then 2 weeks ago while we were running errands, Mr. C fell out of the car. After I got little miss out of her carseat, he was getting out of his and came down to the door, my back was turned and the next thing I know he was on the ground in the parking lot. He had no scraps on his body, but wanted a band aid on his foot. Once we got home, I noticed he was walking funny and if he had to go up on his tip toes he would start crying.
2 Dr. offices later, we had a brand new blue cast on his foot. We had a rough night that first night with all the awkwardness. Plus he started running a fever and not really wanting to eat.
The next day I knew that he too was getting sick with the same thing as little miss. That day Mr. C couldn’t make it to the toilet fast enough, and so we now had a cast soaked with, yes that’s right, pee. That happened not just once, but twice!! No amount of blow drying was going to change the fact that he would be walking around with a pee cast for 3 weeks. Well that wasn’t going to work for me. So we had to schedule him to get a replacement cast.
We also had to take him to the pediatrician because he had a fever off and on all day and night, coughing and then saying his mouth hurt. Luckily he didn’t have strep. Just a cold, but sometimes that can be worse. There is absolutely nothing to do for a kid with a cold.
Here he is leaving the Dr. office with his new cast. As you can see, it doesn’t seem to bother him too much!
So now our whole house has either had THE COLD or is now getting over THE COLD. Time to Lysol the entire house and get it out of here. I am SO SICK OF SICKNESS!
But while we’ve been stuck at home, we’ve made some fun crafts and we’re working on sharing with our baby sis.
Since I’m trying to keep that cast as clean as possible, we haven’t been able to enjoy the outside like we should be at this time of year in AZ. I was talking to a friend who came to visit and we wanted to set up a play date at the park for when the cast comes off. (FEB. 13th!!!!) I thought that is a great idea! Let’s do something fun for the boy who has been cooped up with mom and sis all day lately. So I decided to make it into a party!

Now we have something to look forward too!!
It just goes to show you, you can have a party for anything!! It helps that it’s Valentine’s Day!
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