It’s hot out there! The perfect opportunity to whip up some of these berry coconut popsicles.
Growing up and even now, I have loved watching Disney movies. We grew up watching Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Robin Hood, Cinderella and The Jungle Book. To me those are the classic Disney movies. So I love how Disney has started recreating these classic as live action films. We loved the live version of Cinderella and we can’t wait to take the kids to see The Jungle Book.
Disney is known for it’s music and original songs in their movies and some of my favorite Disney songs come from the animated Jungle Book. My brother and I can still sing (almost) every word of the Jungle Book songs. The Bare Necessities is one of our favorites. I mean, who doesn’t love Baloo?!?!
So when my friends wanted to put together some fun ideas to celebrate the new Jungle Book movie, I knew I needed to create something in tribute of my favorite character Baloo. These Baloo Berry Coconut Popsicles are full of real berries and delicious fruit flavor.
Cool off with these refreshing berry coconut popsicles
Berry Coconut Popsicles
Check out what some of my friends are up to in celebration of the opening of the Jungle Book.
Tiger’s Blood Sorbet from Around My Family Table
Jungle Pineapple Boat (Mixed Fruit Pineapple Boats) from Big Bear’s Wife
Isomalt Lotus – Man’s Fiery Red Flower from Ashlee Marie
Jungle Cooler from Love Bakes Good Cakes
Jungle Book Free Printable from Celebrating Family
Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter Banana Bites from Home.Made.Interest.
Banana Monkey Bread Muffins from Life Anchored
Baloo Berry Coconut Popsicles from Liz on Call
Tropical Safari Sundaes from For the Love of Food
Are you taking the family to see the movie? Who is your favorite Jungle Book character?
Happy freezing!
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