Well baby #3 is going to be joining us shortly (2-4 weeks to go), and I am trying to get everything in order.
This is going to be our second daughter and since our last child was a girl, there really wasn’t much to get done as far as the nursery.
I was feeling bad that baby #3 was going to be getting anything new and exciting. All I had to do was pull out the newborn clothes box that I just felt got put into storage.
I did have to buy a few new things like a new home from the hospital outfit, new blankets and some new headbands, bows and flowers.
I’ve also been slowly putting together my bags for the hospital.
Baby #1 was an emergency c-section at 36.5 weeks. I went in for my regular check up, was sent to the hospital and had a baby that night. I was totally unprepared. I had nothing packed and my husband had to go back and forth between the hospital and house getting stuff for me.
Baby #2 was born at 37 weeks after I was put on bed rest for a couple days. I was more prepared this time. In fact, I was too prepared. We took way too much stuff to the hospital. Stuff that didn’t get used and I wish I hadn’t packed.
So hopefully the third time is the charm and we will have just what we need.
Here is a list of what I will be bringing to the hospital.
I’m only planning on bringing one bag for me and one bag for the baby.
Last time I brought my nursing pillow and my breast pump and didn’t use either one. The hospital has breast pumps to rent and have lots of pillows to prop up baby to help with feeding.
Last time I didn’t bring any snacks, especially for my hubby (when you have a c-section you have to check in 2 hours before and wait, he was starving) so this time I will be more prepared in that area.
The hospital that I deliver at provides a lot of things and the nurses are so helpful. If it’s your first time delivering, you could always check with the hospital and see what things they provide and what they suggest you bring.
I’m hoping for a smooth delivery, but with another c-section, I’m planning on a long recovery!
Wish me luck!
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Comments & Reviews
Good Luck! I’ll be praying!