This peach raspberry jam is going to become your favorite jam ever!
Jam! Jam! Jam! It may seem like I just shared a jam recipe. Which is totally correct! But this Peach Raspberry Jam is my newest flavor and I think it just may be my most favorite! I think that making jam is really easy, it just takes a little time. I cooked this up one night after dinner. It took about an hour. The step that takes the longest is preparing your fruit puree.
I had bought a big box of Utah peaches a few weeks ago, and after my mom and I spent a day bottling a bunch, I still had some peaches left.
You will also need clear gel used for canning. This is the clear gel I used. You don’t need a lot. Just 1/3 cup, but it helps thicken it to make the jam.
Last year I made jam with my left over peaches too. You can see that recipe and the entire jam making process here.
I wanted to add some raspberries to the mix this year and luckily they were on sale! I like raspberry jam but HATE all the seeds. So I bought a wire strainer like this one, added a handful of raspberries to it and using the back of a spoon, squished my berries (make sure you do this over a bowl to save your fruit puree for your jam) until all that was left in the strainer was a little of the flesh and about 99% of the seeds, which I threw in the trash.
You will need 6 cups of fruit puree for this recipe. I used 3 cups of raspberry and 3 cups of peach.
You can download this Peach Raspberry Jam recipe using the download below.
Peach Raspberry Jam

- 6 cups fruit puree - 3 cups raspberry & 3 cups peach
- 6 oz can pineapple juice
- 1 small package peach jello (you can use raspberry instead)
- 2 TBL lemon juice
- 3 cups sugar
- 1/3 cup clear gel
- Mix together puree, pineapple and lemon juice in a large pot.
- Mix together jello, sugar, and clear gel.
- Add sugar and jello mixture to the puree mixture and combine.
- Stiring constantly, bring the mixture to a slow boil.
- Boil for 10 minutes.
- When done cooking, add the jam to clean hot jars.
- Boil the lid with the seal in a little sauce pan with water for 1 minute to soften the seal.
- Add lid and ring to jar and close up jars.
- Turn the jars upside down for 10 minutes.
- Turn right side up and you will soon hear the "pop" of the lids sealing.
If you don't have hot jars for the jam, you can put the jam in plastic containers with lids and store them in the freezer. The hot jars and turning upside down helps seal the jars for storing on a pantry shelf.
I sure hope you give this flavor combo a try. It really is delicious!
Happy Jamming!
Love jam like me? Try this Strawberry Jam.

Comments & Reviews
Mmm, I’ve been looking for a good jam recipe! I love peach jam, and I love raspberry jam, so I can’t wait to try this!