Today I am sharing a super easy recipe for
Strawberry Jam!
Strawberry is my family’s favorite kind of jam so I like to try and make it every year when berries are in season.
This isn’t the freezer jam, this is the cooked and processed jam that can sit on your pantry shelf as food storage.
I started out by washing my strawberries, cutting off the stems and then halving them. I started to crush the fruit with a potato masher and then switched over to an immersion blender for a smoother consistency. For this recipe you will need 6 cups of fruit puree. You can make it as smooth or as chunky as you like. I did about 3 cups chunky and 3 cups smooth.
Just for informational purposes:
a 2 lb clam shell will yield about 3 cups crushed fruit
At the end of the post there is a link to the recipe download, but here is a quick run down of what you do.
Mix 6 cups fruit puree with 1 (6oz) can pineapple juice and 2 TBL lemon juice in a medium to large pot. Mix together 3 cups sugar, 1 small package strawberry jello and 1/3 cup clear gel. (Clear gel can be found on line or at amazon. My mom got me some when she went to a jam class. It’s nice to have on hand in my pantry.) Stir the dry ingredients with the wet ingredients in the pot. Cook on a slow boil for 10 minutes.
Once jam has cooked on stove for 10 minutes you put it in your clean HOT jars. Wipe off the rim of the jar as you boil the lids for a minute to heat the rubber seal. Remember that you have to use lids that are new and have not been used in canning before. The rubber ring needs to be new in order to seal.
Be Careful: Everything Will Be HOT
Once you put the lid and seal on the jars, turn them upside down for 10 minutes. After the 10 minutes, turn them right side up. As the jars sit, you will hear the tops begin to “pop” or seal. It’s the best sound when it comes to canning anything!
Here are some tips to help make it easier!
*I put my jars into the dishwasher (not the lids or rings) before I started making my jam. So by the time I was ready to fill my jars, they were clean and hot from the heated dry cycle of the dishwasher.
*Always mix the clear gel with the sugar or it will clump in your jam.
I love making jam when fruit is in season. It is always so handy to have on hand for a quick gift or just to eat with your Peanut Butter! Plus I think homemade jam tastes way better than store bought. This really is an easy recipe for jam that you can store on your pantry shelf. Just think, when you really want your jam, you don’t have to wait for it to thaw!
Click the download link below to print the recipe.
Happy Jamming!
see my linky party people page to see where I link up
Have a lot of peaches?
Try this Peach Mango Jam
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To read more, or download a recipe, please visit Lizzie Jane Baby Blog.