We all have days that are tough, where we could use a little cheering up. Download these Free Printable Watercolor Postcards to help brighten your day or to send to a friend who might need their day brightened too.
I don’t know about you, but I love getting a letter in the mail. All I ever get are bills and junk mail. It doesn’t make that short trip to the mail box each day very exciting. Snail mail seems to be a thing of the past, but those occassional birthday cards and thank you notes can make up for all that other junk that arrives in the mailbox.
I was having a particularly rough week and started hand lettering some inspiring phrases to help pick myself up. I found a stack of blank postcards in my craft stash and thought how fun it would be to put some of these phrases on postcard and use a fun watercolor technique with my Tombow Dual Brush Pens. I ended up making several of these postcards with bright, colorful, and uplifiting words on them, that I thought I should share them with others.
Free Printable Watercolor Postcards
Before mailing them out, I scanned the postcards into my computer. I wanted to be able to send out more than one of each hand lettered watercolor postcard. Then I thought, maybe others would love to send out some fun postcards to their friends. That’s how these free printable watercolor postcards came about.
All you need to do to send out these free printable watercolor postcards (download at end of post) is; carstock (to print out the postcards), a paper cutter or scissors, a pen and stamps.
The postcards print 3 to a page with guide lines for cutting.
Use the paper cutter or scissors to cut apart the watercolor postcards.
To write your message, turn over the trimmed postcards and make sure to leave a space on the right hand side to add the mailing address. There also needs to be a spot for the stamp in the upper right hand corner. Then you have all the space on the left hand side of the postcard to write your message.
You can download 3 Free Printable Watercolor Postcards using the link below.
Printable Watercolor Postcards
Or get the entire set of 12 Printable Watercolor Postcards in my shop.
I sent off the watercolor postcards to some of my friends who could use a little cheer in their day. I actually mailed them out and forgot that I had done it. A week or so later, I stopped by one of their homes and saw the postcard I sent displayed where they could see it each day. It brought a smile to my face and I decided I should be send postcards more often.
I think sending these postcards was even more fun for me then it would’ve been to receive them! Who could use one of these inspirational handlettered watercolor postcards? I’m sure you know someone who would love it.
Happy Mailing!